As a matter of fact, lately we are actually moving backwards in the whole progress department. Baby foods that he used to love are swatted away, yet solids are refused as well. Pureed "real" food is severely frowned upon. And I mean severely frowned upon.
Apparently I've done something to tick him off, because now most of the time he outright refuses to accept any food from me. He's OK with Dave feeding him and he enjoys Cassidy's help as well. Me? No.
Oh, there's just something about having to ask my 3 year old daughter to "please come and feed Dylan for me" that feels so...wrong.
Oh, Dylan. Don't you know that behaviors such as these:

are not helpful and have now earned you a spot on the Early Intervention Feeding Team?
Our evaluation is in a couple of weeks and while I am not that psyched about adding more to our already full EI plate, I am looking forward to working with someone (heck, working with "A Team") who may actually be able to help us.
Because this

is not working.