September has brought change into our home, into our lives. Into our hearts. When I am able to gather my wits, when I am able to muster the courage that I am currently lacking, when I am feeling braver, I will attempt to explain. But for now...this:
Dylan has grown into a toddler this September, I feel like. I hang out with this little one just about every minute of every single day and yet I see it - change. He is growing, he is learning, he is absolutely thriving.
He had surgery in the beginning of the month for tubes

and has since then been on a mission to excel.
Cassidy has begun preschool this September and while she likes it well enough, I have a pretty strong inkling who was more excited on that very first day...

Dylan has been making progress by leaps and bounds with eating. We are down from 9 jars of baby food a day to ONE (or 2, but still!). He eats real food (albeit gluten free) for most of his snacks and meals which makes this mama's heart very happy. Oh, I can not tell you how satisfied I will feel when I can stride directly past the baby food isle at the grocery store without so much as a second glance. (Although knowing me, I will stop, look longingly at the millions of jars and say, "Awwwww baby food! Remember when...")...

He has started making many more sounds and has even begun trying to imitate spoken words. His signing is crazy - I don't have any idea how many he knows, but I am pretty sure it's more than either Cassidy or I know...
Cassidy has been her usual busy self, fully enjoying the beginning of our New England Fall.

Cassidy understands that there have been changes. It has not always been easy for her and knowing that hurts my heart. But she is smart, she is strong, and she is very much loved. I have much faith in my best girl...
In September, more pieces have come together for Dylan in the mobility department. One day, I looked over at him and just as if he's done it a million times before, he began to crawl across the room. I am talking crawling - real crawling - belly off the floor and everything.
He has been pulling to stand more and has started slowly cruising along various surfaces of our house.
He has perfected "The Funny Face" while standing. Now that is an accomplishment in and of itself if you ask me.

As each day passes, I feel like his personality becomes more and more lovable. I do not know quite how to explain my feelings for this little guy, but I can say that one look into those sweet blue eyes makes my own eyes blurry with tears.

One look makes me thank my lucky stars that he is here with me.

Oh my goodness, Laurie! Who is that boy?! Where have you put little baby Dylan? He's adorable. Glad to hear Cass is loving preschool (at least sorta). Hope all is well with you. Love seeing your updates and hearing how well your little stars are rocking out.
YEA!!! So glad to see you back again. Love Dylan's freckles!! he sure does look like a little boy now. And Cass...so grown up. Thanks for the updates. love Piecy
Oh my goodness, Laurie, the kids are looking so grown up...and beautiful. Glad to hear from you and praying that all is well. (((HUGS)))
Awwww, look how big they are getting!!! I'm so happy for this update!! Looks like you got lots going on over there. 10/10/10 is coming real soon......I hope I get to see that little "funny face" in person!!
We are so happy to hear from you on the blog.The kids look great.Wow the time has gone by and now you have 2 that you can chase around.You have done a great job like most Moms do.May you continue to be blessed.
Art Betty
Dylan is looking more and more like his big sister. So cute!
LOVED reading your update and seeing the pictures (did NOT love the duke shirt, however) :) hope all is well and waiting to hear about the changes september brought. hope everything is alright!!!
I've missed this little guy! Your little ones are just too sweet! Hope all is well.
Dylan looks so big! He is such a sweetie. Can't wait for Dylan and Olivia to play together! You are an amazing mommy :)
What you said was beautiful. I don't want to read anything more tonight so I'm going off to bed thinking about the progress made by your little 2 year old and my little 2 year. May God Bless Their Little Hearts!
Hope all is well with you and your family! I love the updates on the kids and the new pictures. They are looking so grown up!
Oh the funny face is precious!
He is looking SO grown-up!! And I am thrilled to hear about all the great progress he's making.
(((hugs for you, Laurie))) Your kids look so grown! And cute, of course.
Hope everything is OK with you!!
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