Guess who else is back in business? Yep. My little hero, Dylan.
There is so much to talk about, but because I promised some pictures, I think I will start with those tonight.
I have to say this, though.
Any little human being who can go from this: a span of one week, which involved an 8 hour long open heart surgery to repair two major heart defects, and later on in the week one surprise hernia operation, is by far my biggest hero.
Dylan rocks.
Hands down.
You're right. Dylan totally rocks. Totally.
He looks beautiful Laurie!!! I have been checking this constantly. I'm so glad thing are going well. Big D you are the MAN!!!
Wow...I He looks great now, and such a transition in one week. I think he's my hero too!
I bow to you Dylan. You are one of my favorite heroes and rock stars!!!.
Laurie, I totally agree with you, Dylan ROCKS!!!. He looks amazing and he is doing great!!!. I’m SO HAPPY for all of you :) :) :)
All the best ~
For sure. He totally rocks.
He looks fantastic; he really does! So glad you're all home and doing well.
D-man, you really are the best, you are loved more than you could ever imagine. You are all of our heros, I love you so much!
The contrast is those pictures is STUNNING. So glad to hear Dylan is doing well.
Yeah! Glad that he is doing so well. Isn't he amazing!?!? He looks wonderful!
So glad Dylan is doing so well...I think he is a hero as well...what a sweetheart he is. What a strong little guy! This Thanksgiving we are all going to be thankful for these little blessings from above...Thanks for the update.
Oh gosh, I've missed you and Dylan sooooo much!! I think about him and you all the time. I can't wait for a full update. Dylan looks wonderful and he is TOTALLY a rock star, no doubt about it. Way to go Dylan (and mama!!)
(((Big welcome home hugs)))
Dylan - you do rock little man! It's great to see a new photo of the little cutie. Can't wait to hear how you all are doing. Way to go mom and Dylan!
He's looking so great and you are right, he is hands down my biggest hero. WTG Dylan.
Great job Dylan! :o)
Precious, that is the sweetest, most content picture. What a tough boy! Way to go Dylan!!
I am thrilled that Dylan is home and doing so well. I think of you often and look forward to more updates on your brave hero.
So glad to hear Dylan is doing amazing!
With OUT a doubt. He is beautiful! So glad you are home.
Oh, those pictures make me tear up with joy! Dylan is nothing short of amazing. And you too, Laurie.
Karen ~ July08
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