There is one way, though, that I have found to be somewhat successful. If he's in the mood, I will sit Dylan on the floor with a pillow in front of him (as well as in back - I don't trust the little guy to not fling himself backwards quite yet). I place the pillow on top of his legs so that he is able to slightly lean on it. I also put a toy on top of the pillow to keep his interest as well as to distract him from the realization that he's sitting, as that tends to send him into said flingingness.
Today he sat long enough for me to snap a few pictures. I would say that his total sitting time was about 3 maybe 4 seconds before he flung himself backwards. But still! It's a start, right?
Another exciting success today was achieved by Dylan's big sister, Cassidy.

And I was finally quick enough to catch some footage of Dylan rolling from his back to his belly!
Whew. It was quite the exciting day around here I tell you!!
Yay Dylan...definately more than a start on sitting! How exciting! And big sister Cassidy...great job on the potty! Yes, many firsts! Awesome...
Sounds like it was a great day at your house!! I love those little fishy faces Dylan is making at the end of the video. Cute!!!
Both of your kids are so cute!! I love how Dylan flaps his arms in response to your voice- he really is adorable!!
Go Dylan and Cassidy! Cassidy's eyes are so pretty.
What a day! Woo hoo!
I loved the video! He was so excited:)
I am also trying to get Malakai to sit unsupported. I suppose the only way is practice, practice, practice!
Good luck and I am sure it will go fantastically!!
We are dealing with the same thing with Sam, he gets rigid and whines so we try and make it a game for him. Thanks for the tip on the toy ontop of the pillow, I will have to try that. Dylan is such a darling little boy, makes you want to squeeze his little cheeks. :-)
I have been following your blog for a few months now. I love to see what you write and how your cute family is doing. My firstborn, Stockton is a boy with Down syndrome just a month or two younger than Dylan. I feel like we are going through the same struggles and triumphs. The one thing that has helped Stockton sit up (he does the fling backward thing too) is to use the bumbo. At first it was only a few minutes a day and now he can last 5-10 minutes at a time just hanging out in there...and they have a tray where you can put toys for him to play with. Anyway Dylan is doing great and I love following your blog! Have you started Dylan on solids yet? I could use some advice if you have any on things that worked or didn't.
Yippee for Cass and Dylan! The video is awesome!
OMG! That video was the CUTEST thing ever!!! Cass is speaking so well also!
I think the sitting is awesome. I am sure each time you do it will be for a bit longer. It will take time, but I have NO doubts Dylan will get there.
And CONGRATS to Cass on the potty!!!
What a cute pair they are. That is a good job for Dylan to begin sitting independently. Finding a way to work with them to accomplish the same job is quite a challenge sometimes when you are working with children since they don't always want to do what you want them to do. It sounds like you have done well at coming up with an alternative plan. And being the father of 5, I know what a hope it is when one of your children show signs of wanting to potty train - good job Cass.
Well, that should make up for thoes rough weeks with Cass and the Pting! I think now she thinks it is on her terms so she is willing to do it, wow I thik she has the Woelfel sister traits, you?
And Dylan he is doing so great! I am so glad you caught that on video!
Oh my goodness, you are reaching milestones all over the place! And I thought Jane's first haircut was big... ; )
Yay! So many successes in one day. Look at him sitting. He's going to be a master in no time. And look at that full roll.
Love the pic of Cassidy and woohoo for her potty success.
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