We celebrate because on this day, two years ago, we officially met eyes with you, Dylan. In that instant I hugged you close, completely unaware of the incredible journey that awaited. Of the true, honest, love that, in time, would grow into something so big.
We celebrate because you are here. You are here with us.
Thank you, Dylan, for showing us the way. For teaching us. For being patient when we stumble. For loving us, unconditionally.
We are honored to call you our son. Cassidy's brother.
Our heart.
Happy 2nd Birthday, Dylan. I do not think you can ever know how much better you have made our lives.

We love you so much and are very proud of you.
Happy 2nd Birthday Dylan!!
Happy BIG 2nd Birthday Dylan!!!
Happy Birthday sweet Dylan!!!
Happy birthday, sweet boy!
Happy Birthday cutie pie!
happy happy 2nd birthday, dylan!!!!
Such a good day! HAPPY birthday buddy!!!!
Happy Birthday Dylan!
Happy Birthday Dylan!
laurie,We are so sorry for missing Dyllans Birthday.Happy B Day Big Boy.
Betty Arthur
See you soon
YAY!! Happy Birthday Dylan!! Celebrate BIG and celebrate YOU!!!
Hmmm.....I see your daddy is training you well, I wonder what you're looking at under those sunglasses at the pool....could it be a bikini clad chicky mama!!
I hope you had a wonderful day:)
Congrats mommy, daddy & Cassidy on your 2 year anniversay of this magical journey with your precious bundle of love!!
Happy Birthday Dylan! And congratulations to your mommy and daddy on two amazing years.
Oh man, I missed it. I've been so behind on blog reading :( Happy belated birthday, Dylan, and to you as well, Laurie. What a road it's been, huh? You guys - and we - have come so far.
I have to tell you, when I logged on to your page here, Lilah was sitting next to me and when she saw the photo at the top of Cassidy and Dylan, she said, "Mommy, is that me and Finn?" It's funny because it could be them - Cass and Lilah are only days apart in age, and Finn and Dylan are only days apart as well :)
Much love to you.
What a beautiful post and what beautiful words!
Happy birthday Dylan!!
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