We are going to miss you, girl.

You have stuck with me for 12 years and for that I am grateful. We had a good life, Bai.
I wasn't always the perfect companion, I know that, but you accepted me, protected me, and loved me just the same. At first you were't too sure about me (I don't blame you) but we grew on each other, didn't we? I know that lately I could too often be overheard complaining about dog hair on the carpets and sneaky escapes... for that I apologize. I did love you Bailey.
You always were a Boulder-Dog at heart, I think. Oh, you were the best hiking partner. But then you fully embraced the West Coast and later the East Coast, too. Going to the cape and swimming after tennis balls was your idea of a dream vacation.
Your life changed once Cassidy and Dylan entered the scene, but I know you understood. You were so good to them, Bai.
And you knew me, I know you did. You got me, girl.
On your last night, when you were not well, you were determined to climb all the way up the stairs to sleep in our room. And I am so glad you did.
You were one-of-a-kind, Bailey, that's for sure...

And we are going to miss you very much.