Introducing the GOLDEN ADVOCATE. The Golden Advocate Award is given to bloggers who have gone above and beyond to educate and advocate for people who have special needs. It was created in honor of a little girl named Sophia who has Down syndrome, but it is not limited to the Ds community as all special needs count.
The recipient may be a self advocate or a loved one, caregiver, therapist, teacher, community member, etc. to a person with special needs.The recipient of this award has demonstrated courage, strength, and wisdom, and has used their blog to show the world how amazing people with special needs truly are. Recipients of this award do not shy away from speaking out against ignorance, cruelty, or injustices related to people with special needs. They can sometimes be found making phone calls to elected officials, signing petitions, attending rallies, and blogging about issues that are important to our community.
On most days they educate by sharing their everyday experiences with us, allowing us to see how people with special needs are more alike than different. They wear their advocacy hat well and the world is a more beautiful, diverse, and inclusive place because they are in it.
To accept this award: Simply accept it with the knowledge that your work is appreciated. Feel free to post it on your blog, or not. It's up to you with no strings attached. To nominate a blogger for this award or to pass it on if you have received it: Use the image, guidelines, and description listed here. Briefly summarize why the blogger deserves this award, post a link to their blog, and notify them that they have won. Link back to this post so that we can track how far it travels. Please limit your nominations to just 1 or 2 deserving bloggers.
I have been given this award from Beth at Hope for Elijah. Beth is currently 36 weeks pregnant with a little boy, Elijah, who has Down syndrome as well as an AV canal defect - just like Dylan. Beth notified me of this award a few days ago and I must say, I feel honored! Just hearing that Dylan's story is, in some small way helping someone else, means the world to me. I began this blog almost exactly one year ago. My purpose in starting it was to keep family and friends updated on Dylan's day to day activities as well as his upcoming heart surgery. I had NO idea that there was such an amazing group of people out there who are traveling along this same path. I really, truly appreciate all of you.
I would like to nominate Lisa from Finnian's Journey for this award. As soon as I had read the description of the award, Lisa and Finnian came to mind.
Lisa truly does hold a special place in my heart as she and I have been traveling this same journey from the very beginning. Actually, I have known her for about 3 years when we "met" on Pregnancy.org. My daughter Cassidy, and her daughter Lilah, will be turning 3 at the beginning of October. Then, we were pregnant again at the same time - this time with Dylan and Finn. I had Dylan on June 28 and a week or so later, I heard about Lisa's baby, Finn. I immediately contacted her and explained my story...and we have been friends ever since.
Thank you, Lisa, for sharing your life with us. I think that your blog is very honest and real...and I do appreciate that. Thinking back to your posts from the very beginning, I can't help but be amazed at how far you've come. At how far we both have come. Thank you again, my friend.