Sunday, August 30, 2009

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Ideas for the Toothless Wonder?
He is, and has been for a looong time now, eating mostly Stage 2 baby food, with the occasional puff here and there. He is doing a bit better now with crackers - he will attempt to self-feed before throwing them to the dogs below.
I have changed my mind (for the gazillionth time) about the sippy cup and have given the ol' Honey Bear another go. He is now able to sip from the straw appropriately, but still doesn't completely grasp the swallowing thing. Most of the liquid comes back out - but - it is coming, I know it.
My question is - where do I go from here? I'm not sure that he should still be on mostly baby food at this age, but with no teeth, do I have many other options? I would love to hear some ideas on this, as I'm feeling a bit...stuck.
Now...it's 8 in the morning and wouldn't you know I am off to try to tame a terrible two tantrum brought on by the mention of potty training, naturally. Good grief.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Picking and Choosing. Alternately titled, "A long jumbled mess of confusion".
So yeah.
I have left every single hearing test that Dylan has ever had confused - beginning with his newborn screening. He has never officially passed a test, yet I have always been reassured that it may not mean anything. That, in fact, he may be able to hear just fine, but they don't know for sure. Today was no exception. Although this time, the results showed a possibility of mild hearing loss in both ears as opposed to only his right ear. This time, they administered the behavioral test as well - the one where sounds are administered through speakers and they watch to see if Dylan turns his head appropriately. Bahhh. Who knows if he was tired/not in the mood/too busy clapping and waving to care/or really couldn't hear the sounds? Well, now we have a follow-up appointment in 8 weeks to see if there is any change - good or bad. Keep in mind that this is probably our 6th hearing test this year. At the next eval, if his results are worse, we will have an initial appointment with an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor to begin the search for finding out more information about the exact hearing loss and to discuss the possibility of putting in tubes.
So there's that.
Then, Dylan's GI doctor talked with us a bit more about the swallow study results as well as the Endoscopy and Bronchoscopy that were recommended a while back. I still stand firm right now that we will hold off on the 'oscopies. But again, what do I know? So we were at the GI doctor for over an hour for nothing. I mean, literally, nothing. What is the point of that? Seriously?
That reminds me, I remember mentioning to Dylan's pedi a while back that I noticed he sometimes wakes at night and occasionally makes noises in his sleep (kind of like a snore, but not really) and she suggested that he have a sleep study done. Still haven't done it. Is this necessary?
And speech. We are most likely going to be adding that service soon in addition to OT, PT, EI Family Therapy and twice monthly appointments with our EI service coordinator. Music therapy is still on hold. Last week our service coordinator mentioned that she is starting to put a feeding team together and would I be interested in having them come out to evaluate Dylan? My immediate response? "Yes, definitely!".
Again with the picking and choosing. Are these all necessary? Well, no of course not. But which things are? I am trying to do everything possible in the best interest of my child, but how much is too much?
How do you pick and choose? How do you wade through all of the doctor appointment recommendations and Early Intervention service suggestions? What do our children need? I mean really really need? And what things are simply precautionary?
Sometimes I wish we could just "be". But then if we were just "being", you SO know that I would be feeling guilty for not doing something.
Whew. If you made it through this jumbled mess of confusion, I'm impressed. And I thank you for sticking it out.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
i did it
We received this awesome shirt from Jennifer at Three's A Charm. You can get one as well, with the proceeds being used in a very creative way. One that is certainly close to our hearts. Read all about it right here.

So, what did Dylan do?
He smiled, he rolled, he learned to nurse, he laughed.
He successfully underwent an eight hour long open heart surgery to correct 2 serious heart defects. He recovered like a champ.
He ate from a spoon, clapped, sat unassisted, waved.
He self-fed.
He grew, he learned, he thrived, he loved.
To name a few.
And what, exactly, is he doing now?
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The one that goes, "Ohh! They are always SO happy!"?
That bothers me. I mean, it really does annoy me. I think it's because it is such a generalization. Yes, I'm sure it is suppose to be a compliment or something like that, but the whole categorizing thing just gets under my skin.
Well, that and the fact that they are individuals. With different emotions. Just like everyone else.
Ahem. That being said,
Monday, August 10, 2009
A work in progress.
Yet another example of how Dylan is teaching us patience.
He has now started feeding himself puffs! And as you probably discovered from the video (yes, that is Dave in the background singing the "We did it" song from Dora, ahem...) we are quite proud of him!
Remember all of my nervous-nelly posts about Dylan and his struggles with feeding? Even very recently I posted about how I feared I might even be...ah...insane? Yes, well, as I should have known, this feeding piece would come. In time. In Dylan's time, I should have known that it would all come together. And it is coming together. As a matter of fact, he has also started learning the proper way to suck from his sippy cup! This is all a work in progress, but it is working! And it is progress!
I am so pleased. And so thankful for Dylan who continues being patient with us as we learn...as we learn how to sit back and enjoy the ride.
Friday, August 7, 2009
And in case you were wondering, no, those are not pacis. C'mon, now. Of course we would not still allow our almost 3 year old to sleep with pacifiers. Sheesh.
And continuing on, on the subject of sleep...
This afternoon, I snuck in to Dylan's room to check on him as he napped. Ah, wouldn't you know I found him looking ever so sweet?
Sleeping babies. Is there anything in this world more heart melting?