Time travels on so quickly, I feel like. And as it passes, I sometimes wonder whether or not I can
see progress with Dylan. It's not that I am specifically looking for it or anything (ok, sometimes I am), but I guess it's more that usually I don't notice much difference on a daily basis. And I suppose when you are asked each week by Early Intervention what he is doing "new", you are frequently forced to think...and wonder. Progress...?

But something
is happening, it must be.

All along, it must have been happening. Even when I could not see it, progress was being made. Little tiny bits of it, every single day.
Because recently, I can see it very clearly. A change. I can't quite put my finger on what exactly has occurred to trigger this sudden observation, though.
He seems older to me now. More mature. He's more aware and interactive, I think. His personality is totally beginning to blossom and his opinion is certainly being shared, and quite loudly, too.
Eh, maybe it's the hair cut, after all, I was fair warned by the hair dresser that he would no longer look like a baby after she buzzed it. Or maybe it's the fact that he is becoming more mobile. He tries to climb on me now when I sit next to him on the floor and is now an old pro at getting into and out of the sitting position. He doesn't just sit anymore. Maybe it's that he is beginning to sign now as a means of communicating with us. He does not hold back in letting us know what he wants - to play ball, read a book, drink his milk, eat, go outside...

Maybe the pieces are beginning to fit together. Maybe the progress is significant enough for me to see now.
Or maybe I just wasn't paying enough attention before to notice the small gains.
Progress, growth, strength, understanding.

My guess is that there are little bits and pieces working and coming together every single day, whether we can
see them or not, they are there.
To know that and accept it is important, I think.
But when it does come together and we do
see it...it's so amazing.