Time continued on and as things in our own lives began settling down, I became even more interested in visiting the site. Recently, I have also begun following others' journeys who have chosen this adoption path. Some are just beginning the process and others are in Eastern Europe right now bringing their Little Ones home.
Dylan's friends Joaquin and Bridget will soon be welcoming their newest sisters home. You may follow their journeys at Saving Sofia and Loving Alina. I have also discovered a blog called No Greater Joy Mom. I do not know Adeye, the woman who writes this blog, but I have found her story extremely...powerful. Take a look...
While scrolling through the cuties on Reece's Rainbow one day, I came across Sergey. He immediately caught my attention because he looks like he could be Dylan's twin brother!! The other day I was looking at the site again and Cassidy caught sight of Sergey and said, "Hey! That looks like Dylie!".
I emailed Andrea and asked if I could be an advocate for Sergey. She said of course, so here I go. I'm not exactly sure what I can do to help this sweet boy, but my hope is that by getting his little face out there, someone may feel inspired to donate to his adoption or possibly even feel pulled to bring him home.
It's imperative that he is brought home. You see, orphans with a disability in Eastern Europe are transferred to mental institutions shortly after their third birthday. They are tied to their cribs and left to die. It's horrific. It's their reality.
We need to help, in any way that we can.
On Adeye's blog the other day, I read, "Every child deserves the loving arms of a mommy to hold them tight..."
"Every single child.".

Grab This Button
Beautiful Laurie!!! And yes, Sergey looks a lot like D. I have been following Adeye's blog too. Her writing is powerful and beautiful. I hope she gets home soon with her two beautiful girls.
BTW...who make your button?? I should get one for Cara.
who MADE...not make
I love Reeses Rainbow but I have such a hard time looking at it as I want to bring home all of them and I just cry inside that I can't. Glad you are able to be an advocate for Sergey.
These adoption blogs really tug at my heart. I love that you are advocating for Sergey too!
What a great example you are, and he sure is a cutie!
OH WOW! He is Dylan's twin!!!
Thank you for bringing this website to peoples attention. It tears my heart apart to see them and not be able to bring them all home. And he does look like D
Good brief and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you seeking your information.
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