Today, Dylan had a follow-up appointment with his pediatrician. He needed to catch up on his 4 month vaccinations as well as get weighed again. His doctor was concerned about his weight 2 weeks ago, as he had apparently fallen off of the growth curve. Throughout this whole surgery ordeal, he had lost a total of almost 2 pounds. That's quite a bit of weight for such a little guy.
So, he weighed in at 11 lbs. 1 oz. today, which is up 6 1/2 oz. since his last appointment! To be honest, I would have been completely shocked had he not gained weight...seeing as how our couch is now totally dented in on my side because I spend most of the day and half of the night sitting there nursing Dylan. He's a champ.
His incision as well as his chest tube holes and hernia scar are all healing very nicely. Here he is fresh and clean out of the bathtub tonight.
We're just going to keep plugging away with the whole feeding thing. If he keeps up his current pace, I would guess we'll be back in the 12 lb. range in the next couple of weeks. Go Dylan, go!
Way to go, Dylan! Your mama and dada must be thrilled.
It's so hard to believe that Dylan's surgery was 4 weeks ago already. Lily's was 10 weeks ago yesterday. I'm so proud of both of our kiddos! They are doing so well and will continue to amaze us!
Good job Dylan! and Mommy! He is doing great and you should be VERY proud! SO glad he is eating so good! His scar looks great and so glad he is healing up so well! I really marvel at all of the parents that have had to go through OHS...Brayden doesn't have any heart issues and I wonder if its because I don't know if I could be strong enough? God does work miracles never the less and Dylan is a little miracle...
What a sweet boy! Don't you just love a fresh clean baby right out of the tub?!?
I found your blog from a recommend on my google reader. Glad I decided to check it out though. I read through most of your posts and loved all of it! Dylan is such a cute little guy and the picture with the scar down his chest reminds me so much of Morgan at that age. She had the complete AV canal repair when she was 4 1/2 months old. She is now 6 years old and stronger than ever! :) I also just wanted to say that when Morgan was a baby I worried a lot about the high or low functioning thing too. She is doing really well in academic areas but still needs assistance with social skills and being nice to others. But I can now say that it truly doesn't matter. I know that all parents love their children and it's not based on the child's ability but soley on love. I think the best thing a parent can do when dealing with a child with special needs is to take one day at a time. It takes away all the worries and makes you realize everything is great! I look forward to following your journey with Dylan!
Oh, gosh, look at him. Look at those battle scars . . . he's a warrior for sure! Go Dylan!
Looking good champ.
I can't believe it's been 4 weeks already. The time really flies. I'm glad he's nursing well as well. Keep it up little man.
Dylan looks so great!
I love you little man, and you too L:)
Dylan, you are such a STRONG champ!!!, you look so HEALTHY ~. Laurie, I’m happy Dylan is healing so well :), the two of you are doing an amazing job!!!. Very Best ~
You're doing great, Dylan! You too, nursing Mama! :)
JEanette forwarded your blog to me. We are about to have heart surgery. We were scheduled for Dec 22th but it has been moved to Jan 8th. Your blog has really been a big help to prepare. THANKS
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