This morning I stuffed a big ol' blanket into Dylan's Exersaucer just to see what would happen.
Here is the result: (...and please pretend that you don't see Cassidy's Bumgenius diaper behind D's head. It's clean, I promise!)

I am so proud of him! As much as EI may not like it, I really do think this will help build some much needed trunk and neck strength for Dylan.

More pics to follow with some of the other wonderful ideas...
YAY!!!! He looks genuinely interested! That is great. Benjamin can just now spend time in his exersaucer without a blanket around him. And his physical therapist recommends it, so...go figure!
He looks great! (We totally just stuck ours in another room and closed the door when our therapist came over, lol).
Yay Dylan...he looks great sitting in the exersaucer!
I know the therapists think these are big no-no's, but Brayden sure strengthen himself with this and LOVES being in it. Even his leg muscles are getting a work out and stronger....we also have a jumperoo thing and he is jumping in that all the are going to notice a big difference in his little muscles...he is so dang cute!
Bravo Dylan!!!, you are going to be very busy...
I agree, I think this is going to help him a lot. :)
Cutie pie!
If you have to... hide it! haha Our PT was thrilled about ours so I hope yours understands your motives behind it and supports you! I think he will build big strong muscles in that thing! He looks like he is loving it already!!
What a cutie.
He looks so focused! I would think PT would say it is ok in moderation. But he sure does look strong!
oh yay, it looks like he is having fun!
Such a handsome little man!
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