Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Our big girl has started going to pre-school. Just 2 mornings a week, but that is enough for now. She has also mastered the ol' potty training business. Well...'number 1' of the potty training business, anyway.

Here's a picture of Cass on her second day of school. Yes, yes I know. But, I did take lots of pictures of her first day of school as well, it's just that I, er, forgot to put the camera card in the actual camera for those ones. So...yeah.


And our big boy has mastered the straw cup! It has required a bit of practice, but he's certainly gotten the hang of it now. Yeah!
I have officially begun weaning him from nursing, which has turned out to be quite bitter-sweet for me.
Ahh, my kids are growing up. Right before my very eyes.

And how lucky am I to be along for their rides...


Sharon said...

Yay for Cass and Dylan! Now would you and Dylan PLEASE come over and show Brennan how to drink from a straw! Or e-mail me your tricks since mine obviously aren't working!

Kimberly said...

Wow lots of milestones being met in your house. Can't wait to see you all soon!

Sheila Mitchell said...

Yea for Cass! OMG I just want to come thru my computer screen when I see Dylans sweet smile! I showed it to my daughter, and saw her eyes well up! Sending kisses! Love reading your blog, and look forward to each & every post!

Angela said...

Great job on both accounts!!!!!!!!!!!!

How's the spit-up? Still bad? (Not trying to depress you, LOL, just wondering.) :)

Amanda said...

YAY preschool! Not long now til college...;) ha ha

Sara P said...

wow!!! a straw!!! that is great!!!... were working on that but max hasn't picked it up yet.:( how long did it take before he really got it?

Sara P said...

wow!!! a straw!!! that is great!!!... were working on that but max hasn't picked it up yet.:( how long did it take before he really got it?

Monica Crumley said...

Congratulations on both milestones. Very exciting things going on in your home. :-)

Rachel Smith said...

Awesome job kiddies! I love following your blog because Dylan is just a few months older than Stockton. We are working on the whole straw cup weaning thing. He is my first and I am so lost! Did you use the honey bear to teach Dylan to straw drink? I don't want him to take a sippy cup if he doesn't have to. If you have a minute email me your tricks. Thanks!

Sasha@ Blyssfulhealth said...

Way to go Cass and Dylan. Keep up the good work.:)

Mara said...

Awww they are growing up so fast !!! We started looking at straw cups yesterday after the dentist. He said by age two- so Dylan is ahead !! yeah Dylan !