Thanks for the great Christmas present Auntie Debbie!
Now I am going to try to pick up the pieces of Christmas craziness around the house. It's a beautiful thing. It really is.
We hope you all had a wonderful holiday as well.
From our family to you and yours - Happy Holidays! We love you!
I feel like he's saying, "Must. Eat. At. All. Times.".
Dylan was very excited about participating in his very first Christmas tree decorating ceremony.
And of course, we had to try out Cassidy and Dylan's very matchy matchy Christmas pjs. Aww.
...in 50 degree weather may be a bit extreme. But then again I just don't know. This whole heart surgery and Down syndrome stuff is so new to me. I don't think I have any idea what I'm doing most of the time.
Any thoughts on the germ stuff?
He was able to hold his head up better than he had prior to the surgery! The only times that his head flopped back, was when his lovable big sister Cassidy, kissed him a little too forcefully. Kind of like this:
Another BIG milestone for Dylan? Eating solids! Dylan's Early Intervention nurse suggested that we give it a try. If nothing else, just so that he could get used to the feeling of a spoon in his mouth. So, I've been mixing up mostly breast milk with a tiny bit of rice cereal and he's done very well with it!
You know...now that I think of it...I do not know why I've referred to Dylan as the "Surprise Master". Maybe he is not full of surprises after all. Maybe I just need to give the guy the benefit of the doubt. Every day, he is showing me that he can do all of these things. Really. I should not be surprised that he can do whatever he puts his mind to.
Here is Cassidy showing off her grape.
Dylan has become quite animated with his story telling lately. Here he is telling me something of great importance yesterday.
Oh how I wish I knew what this little boy really has to say!
See, I have been slightly exhausted because Dylan has reverted back to his newborn baby's feeding schedule, ie: feeding every 2-3 hours...even at night. I have heard that this is pretty common after surgery, especially because Dylan has lost almost 2 lbs and is trying to make up for lost time. Good for Dylan. Not so good for Mama.
Not to mention that he has lost all interest in napping during the day.
So, yesterday Dylan got his second Synagis injection as well as one 4 month vaccination. He did well, but I just felt so badly for him having to go through more pokes and prods so soon after his surgery.
We also got good reports at his cardiology appointment today. The doctor said that his incision looks well, his heart sounded good and that we would be able to stop his Lasix in one month. I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but there is still a small hole in Dylan's heart. We were told that because it only measures less than 2 mm, it should not be a problem. The cardiologist said that it may even close on it's own in the next few months. We'll go back in 3 months to see.
If you can, would you please send us a quick 'hole closing' vibe... just to be on the safe side?
Thank you : )
Day 9.
I dressed him in real clothes because we were about to be discharged! My brave little man and I were going home.
My mom will be here at the house with Cassidy and will update Dylan's blog when she can.
Take good care,
Laurie and Dylan