To make a long day short, here is a recap from the sweet boy himself:
I had a sedated echocardiogram, an EKG, and lots of x-rays. I then had some moments of discomfort while the nurses struggled unsuccessfully to find veins in both of my arms for the blood draw.
This is how I felt after all of that poking and prodding:

After the bust of a blood draw, I took a trip to the PICU with my Momma and Daddy to have a nurse take bood from a vein in my head. That wasn't too much fun.
My Momma and Daddy spent alot of time talking to doctors, cardiologists and anesthesiologists.
After getting stuck for a little while in the parking garage elevator, we finally got to drive home! This is me on the drive home from the hospital. Whew, I'm exhausted!

Dylan, you are a very brave boy!!!, I'm so glad you did very good today!!!. I have been thinking of you all day, checked your blog about 100 times today. Thank you so much for your sweet update!!!. Please have some rest now and have a blessed evening... :)
ps: Thank you Kimberly ;)
Glad it went okay chick, and i'm pleased you're feeling more positive. (((hugs)))
Oh, my little man, you did so great today you are the best! Can't wait to see you. I love you!
What a tough day for Mommy and Baby! Next week can't come soon enough...
yay! been thinking of you...
Aww, thanks for the update sweet little Dylan! I've been thinking about you all day.
Thanks for updating us! I have been thinking of you all day. I know you are glad that's over with.
I'd been thinking of you too Dylan. I'm glad it all went ok. I'm sorry you had to get stuck with needles. Sydney never liked that much either when she had to get foot sticks...
but you're a brave little man. Hang in there and you'll be feeling good as new :)
Looks like he did a great job!
What a day! And what a Trooper!
What a rough day! Been thinking of all of you . . . He's going to do so well with surgery. Hugs.
Glad that all went well but poor little guy for all of those pokes.
So glad it went ok. Blood draws are awful! Kailey has hypothyroidism so we have to go for draws to check her levels and it never gets easier. We actually need to take her tomorrow and I have been dreading it. It's worse when they know what it going on. You guys are in my thoughts and I can't wait to hear that all this "surgery stuff" is a distant memory for you.
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